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Department of Ecoscience
Algae blooms
Technical instructions for baseline monitoring national natural forests
Bee Workshop
Biodiversity in stream valleys
Biodiversity indicators for an effect-based nature supplementation scheme
Biogeochemistry in ArctiC Ecosystems (BACE)
Bonus BaltHealth
Bælt i balance
Centre for Green Transition and Marine Ecology
Centre for Wadden Sea Research
Marine Mammals
A Danish indicator for nature efforts - DNI
The Danish red list
Catch Crops
EOS - Environment & Oil Spill response
Fauna - Species & management of species
Find your plants
Forum on marine bottom fauna and flora
Satellite tracking of animal migration
Sensitive areas
Toxic Algae
Greenland – Regional Enviromental Assessment
Oxygen depletion
IPBES in Denmark
IKKA project database
Effects on the Climate
Climate Stress Lab
Trace metal & isotope geochemistry laboratory
Mining and Environment
Modelling and Forecast
Fishing for mussels
New Sea
Novana - Terrestrial natur
Novana - Marine monitoring
Oil and Environment
Danish orchids
Population Ecology
Small Biotopes
State of terrestrial nature
Time series data
Videospots Greenland
Wetland Group
Water Ecosystems Tool - WET
Publikationer på dansk / Publications in Danish
Bachelorstuderende Simon Andersen har undersøgt sammenhængen mellem biodiversiteten i et område og jordens sammensætning af grundstoffer og isotoper i sin bacheloropgave:
”Bestemmelse af biodiversitet ved analyse af grundstoffer og isotopratioer i jord”
Konferencehæfte fra den afsluttende Biowidekonference
. Her opsummeres 4 års arbejde i Biowide-projektet på dansk.
Svampene i Biowide
Beskrivelse af nye svampefund i Biowide:
Svampe 73, side 36-40
Svampe 73, side 20-33
Svampe71, side 23-37
Svampe74, side 29-35
Svampe75, side 32-43
Svampe76, side 30-38
Svampe og svampe-dna i Biowide
Specialestuderende Henrik Thers har undersøgt sammenhængen mellem LiDAR og svampe i sit speciale ”
Anvendelse af laserscanning af vegetation (LiDAR) til at detektere faktorer, der styrer svampeartsrigdom og –sammensætning
Specialestuderende Maja Møholt har undersøgt gødningsbillerne i Biowide i sit speciale: ”
Sæsonmæssig og substrat variation i, samt betydningsfulde miljøvariabler for den danske gødningsbillefauna
Publications in English
Metabarcoding of soil environmental DNA replicates plant community variation but not specificity
Simple attributes predict the value of plants as hosts to fungal and arthropod communities
Dark diversity reveals importance of biotic resources and competition for plant diversity across habitats
Relationships between macro-fungal dark diversity and habitat parameters using LiDAR
Multi‐taxon inventory reveals highly consistent biodiversity responses to ecospace variation
The importance of local environmental conditions in determining plant dark diversity and observed richness
Testing if fungal fruitbodies and eDNA give similar biodiversity assessments across broad environmental gradients
Testing if LIDAR explains diversity of plants, fungi, lichens and bryophytes across multiple habitats and large geographic extent
Here we define Ecospace – the theoretical frame of the Biowide project
Methods paper describing the project and methods in detail
Master student Henrik Thers has looked into the relations between LiDAR data and fungi in Biowide
A technical paper on how to handle eDNA data – based on soil samples from Biowide
We assess if plants can be used as indicators for biodiversity in general
We develop a method to estimate uniqueness of a site
A test of soil DNA as a predictor of habitat and environmental properties
Fungi expert Thomas Læssøe describes a new species of fungi found in Biowide
Master student Anne Aagard Lauridsen has looked into the relations between soil environmental DNA and plant diversity in her thesis: “
Soil environmental DNA as a tool to measure floral compositional variation and diversity across large environmental gradients
Master student Sissel Christine Haar Olesen has looked into the relations between microclimate and species composition in her thesis: ”
Can microclimate predict species composition of vascular plants, spiders and epiphytes?
Gall midges expert Simon Haarder describes new species of gall midges found in Biowide
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Revised 03.09.2024
Else Vihlborg Staalsen