Aarhus University Seal

Belt in balance – the marine environment of the Little Belt

  • Live streaming of porpoises and the sounds of the Little Belt
  • Dive below the surface with Aarhus University, Naturpark Lillebælt and Seiche Ltd.
  • Activate direct live streaming (with hydrophone) to the left. ”Rewind” by moving the cursor on the red bar below the image. If you cannot see the time code, move your mouse outside the image.

Take a break and dive down below the surface

There is general narrative that beneath the sea surface a deep and fascinating tranquility rules. A notion of floating all alone in the deep blue sea in an absolute and almost meditating silence!

The truth is that there is a myriad of sounds from the busy lives of the animals beneath the surface. Sounds that provide extensive information about mating and foraging behaviour, navigation and communication, both within and among species. In addition to the sounds of the life found in all layers of our seas, there is also the sound of “us” – humans.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Denmark’s first underwater listening station in Middelfart, established in a collaboration between Aarhus University, Seiche Ltd. and Naturpark Lillebælt. It is with great expectations for the future of research communication that we now send you on a LIVE audio trip under the sea surface.

We encourage you to put life over the surface on a break for a few minutes to listen to and explore this fascinating sound universe beneath the surface.
