Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy – has developed a comprehensive system for assessing the state of nature in the nature types in the Habitats Directive’s and the Nature Conservation Act (§3-nature).
The system has been developed in cooperation with The Nature Agency for use in
However, the method is so comprehensive that it may also be applicable in other contexts where an assessment of the current state of nature is required, including analysis of the necessary management measures and comparison with previous observations in order to assess the management impact. Thus, the method is also suitable in connection with
The system applies to natural and semi-natural habitats dominated by herbaceous species, lakes and forestry and, thus, to date only to the habitat types of the Habitats Directive and §3. If the system is to be used e.g. for agricultural environmental plans, it must first be adapted to nature types in arable land (e.g. hedgerows and roadsides).