Aarhus Universitets segl

Worms as fish feed

We work on several project aiming to develop and implement novel methods for sustainable industrial-scale production of new healthy live feed for juvenile fish, disrupting the fish producer’s dependence on traditional organisms such as rotifers and Artemia, making fish production more sustainable. These projects will use terrestrial live feed organisms (nematodes and white worms) to substitute a substantial proportion of fish feed of marine origin.

One of the advantages of enchytraeids as live feed is that they can de novo synthesize essential highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which circumvents the need for enrichment with fish oil, currently utilized for rotifer and Artemia enrichment.

We also aim to carry out innovative research with the applied purpose to develop a cheap and efficient cryopreservation method applicable to enchytraeids on an industrial level by exploiting their natural cold tolerance. A novel cryopreservation technique will ensure long shelf life and stable supplies of live feed to the fish producers.

The project's research will fill a critical knowledge gap that, at present, limits the production of high-value species of fish. The implementation of the project results will support ecologically and climatically sustainable production of healthy food sources (fish). The proposed production of live feed organisms has a circular bioeconomy perspective using industrial waste products as feed for the enchytraeids. Further, the project will support fish welfare through better fish health and reduced cannibalism.