Aarhus Universitets segl

For students

Being a student in the Climatic Stress Lab

We are happy to include students in our group and view student guidance as an important part of our work.

We supervise in all topics within our field of research and see it as being advantageous if the thesis project be included in the group’s current projects. New ideas are of course also welcome. See our website under projects whether you find anything inspiring. You are welcome to call or write to us and discuss the possibilities.

As a student in the Climatic Stress Lab, you will have access to excellent laboratories. Our doors are always open, and we count on being in constant dialogue during your master’s thesis. Apart from day-to-day contact, we will arrange meetings as needed in order to ensure good and fruitful collaboration. 

Job opportunities after completing the master’s degree

Here are some of the places that have hired our previous students

  • The Danish Technological Institute
  • Randers state school
  • Viby gymnasium
  • Eurofins
  • Skive College
  • Silkeborg municipality
  • The Danish Environmental Protections Agency
  • Horsens municipality