How can you produce fossil-free offshore turbine power and sustainable mussels and seaweed in one and the same sea area? And what are the effects on the marine environment and biodiversity? A new collaboration between Danish universities and companies will seek to answer these questions.
Annette Bruhn
Senior researcher
Project manager and case study manager for Krigers Flak, seaweed cultivation.
Teis Boderskov
Member of Administrative staff
Task leader on WP4.2: seaweed cultivation.
Jens Würgler Hansen
Senior Advisor
The link to the marine Marine topic centre.
Michael Bo Rasmussen
Senior Advisor
Seaweed farming.
Andreas Michael Holbach
Tenure Track Scientist
Participates in the project with a focus on spatial planning tools.
Marie Maar
Professor MSO
WP6 lead around spatial planning of multi-use (wind farms and low trophic aquaculture), ecological modelling.
Per Andersen
Special Consultant
WP5 leader: Marine Monitoring.
Peter Grønkjær
Biology: Cod populations at artificial reefs.
Signe Høgslund
Member of Administrative Staff
Works with biogeochemistry and the carbon cycle.
Cordula Göke
GIS Staff Member
Data responsible, GIS mapping.
Karsten Dahl
Senior Advisor
WP3 leader. Biodiversity and Fisheries.
Peter Bondo Christensen
Senior Researcher
Works with dissemination of the project.
Mikael Sejr
Marine monitoring.
Peter Anton Upadhyay Stæhr
Participating in the project with a focus on benthic habitats and communities.