Aarhus University Seal

ENS screening for wind farm potential

The purposes of the screening for wind potential in Danish waters are to:

  • investigate how physical changes of seabed habitats by offshore wind farms affect biodiversity, and how this develops in the years after a wind farm has been put into operation.
  • understand the consequences of the presence of offshore wind turbines on bird populations in Danish waters.
  • measure the effect of new offshore wind farms on marine mammals, including the extent to which the wind farms affect the availability of food and the amount of underwater noise as well as the extent to which the affected areas are important for the marine mammals.
  • obtain greater knowledge about bat migration and foraging behaviour over Danish waters so that the impact on mortality and the deteriorated conservation status of bat populations when establishing offshore wind farms can be estimated.
  • map the distribution of selected key and protected fish species in Danish waters as well as their spawning, rearing and foraging areas and important migration routes.
  • improve our understanding of the consequences of changes in the hydrodynamics of large-scale development of offshore wind farms in Danish waters.


Eva Friis Møller

Project manager.

Karsten Dahl
Senior Advisor

Project participant with a focus on benthic habitats and communities.

Morten Elmeros
Senior Advisor

Project participant with a focus on bats.

Jacob Nabe-Nielsen

Project participant with a focus on marine mammals.

Jakob Tougaard

Project participant with a focus on underwater noise.

Signe Sveegaard
Senior Advisor, Head of section

Project participant focussed on marine mammals.

Marie Maar

Project participant with a focus on hydrodynamics and ecosystem impact.

Ib Krag Petersen
Senior Advisor

Project participant with focus on seabirds.