Petersen, C. R.
, Holmstrup, M., Malmendal, A., Bayley, M. & Overgaard, J. (2008).
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Holmstrup, M., Overgaard, J., Bindesbøl, A.-M., Pertoldi, C. & Bayley, M. (2007).
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Bahrndorff, S., Petersen, S. O.
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Differences in cold and drought tolerance of high arctic and sub-arctic populations of Megaphorura arctica Tullberg 1876 (Onychiuridae: Collembola).
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Overgaard, J., Malmendal, A., Sørensen, J. G., Bundy, J. G.
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Metabolomic profiling of rapid cold hardening and cold shock in Drosophila melanogaster.
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53(12), 1218-1232.
Overgaard, J., Malmendal, A., Sørensen, J. G., Bundy, J. G.
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Metabolomic profiling of rapid cold hardening and cold shock in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Krogh, P. H., Griffiths, B., Demsar, D., Bohanec, M., Debeljak, M., Andersen, M. N., Sausse, C., Birch, A. N. E., Caul, S.
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Responses by earthworms to reduced tillage in herbicide tolerant maize and Bt maize cropping systems.
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Risk assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates, LAS, in agricultural soil revisited: Robust chronic toxicity tests for Folsomia candida (Collembola), Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta) and Enchytraeus crypticus (Enchytraeidae).
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Malmendal, A., Overgaard, J., Bundy, J. G., Sørensen, J. G., Loeschcke, V.
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Exploring a Combined NMR Metabolomic and Genomic Approach for Monitoring of Physiological Responses: Heat Hardening and Recovery from Heat Stress in Drosophila Melanogaster. Poster session præsenteret på 47th ENC Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Pacific Grove, USA.
Overgaard, J., Slotsbo, S., Tollarova, M., Nielsen, M. M., Bayley, M.
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Freeze tolerance in the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra - Role of season, acclimation and population differences. Poster session præsenteret på Comparative Physiology 2006 (American Physiological Society intersociety meeting), Virginia Beach, USA.
Holmstrup, M., Overgaard, J., Sørensen, T. F., Drillet, G., Hansen, B. W., Ramløv, H. & Engell-Sørensen, K. (2006).
Influence of storage conditions on viability of quiescent copepod eggs (Acartia tonsa Dana): Effects of temperature, salinity and anoxia.
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Malmendal, A., Overgaard, J., Bundy, J. G.
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Metabolomic profiling of heat stress: Hardening and recovery of homeostasis in Drosophila.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology,
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Metabolomic profiling of heat stress: hardening and recovery of homeostasis in Drosophila.
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Overgaard, J., Sørensen, J. G., Petersen, S. O., Loeschcke, V.
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Reorganisation of membrane lipids during fast and slow cold hardening in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Sørensen, L. I.
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Soil fauna communities and microbial respiration in high Arctic tundra soils at Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland.
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Changes in membrane lipid composition following rapid cold hardening in Drosophila melanogaster.
Journal of Insect Physiology,
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Nielsen, M. M., Overgaard, J., Sørensen, J. G.
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Role of HSF activation for resistance to heat, cold and high-temperature knock-down.
Journal of Insect Physiology,
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Mikkelsen, T. N., Beier, C., Ambus, P., Pilegaard, K., Jonasson, S., Michelsen, A., Ro-Poulsen, H., Primé, A., Christensen, S., Schmidt, I. K., Gundersen, P.
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CLIMAITE - CLIMate change effects on biological processes In Terrestrial Ecosystems - a new Danish Global Change. Poster session præsenteret på 36th Annual Air Pollution Workshop, Rhinelander, USA.