Nasiri Moghadam, N., Holmstrup, M., Manenti, T., Mouridsen, M., Pertoldi, C. & Loeschcke, V. (2015).
The Role of Storage Lipids in the Relation between Fecundity, Locomotor Activity, and Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster Longevity-Selected and Control Lines.
10(6), Artikel e0130334.
Sechi, V., D'Annibale, A., Ambus, P., Sárossy, Z.
, Krogh, P. H., Eriksen, J. & Holmstrup, M. (2014).
Collembola feeding habits and niche specialization in agricultural grasslands of different composition.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
74, 31-38.
Johnston, A. S. A.
, Holmstrup, M., Hodson, M. E., Thorbek, P., Alvarez, T. & Sibly, R. M. (2014).
Earthworm distribution and abundance predicted by a process-based model.
Applied Soil Ecology,
84, 112-123.
Patrício Silva, A. L.
, Enggrob, K., Slotsbo, S., Amorim, M. J. B.
& Holmstrup, M. (2014).
Importance of freeze-thaw events in low temperature ecotoxicology of cold tolerant enchytraeids.
Environmental Science & Technology,
48(16), 9790-9796.
Holmstrup, M., Bouvrais, H., Westh, P., Wang, C.
, Slotsbo, S., Waagner, D., Enggrob, K. & Ipsen, J. H. (2014).
Lipophilic Contaminants Influence Cold Tolerance of Invertebrates through Changes in Cell Membrane Fluidity.
Environmental Science & Technology,
48(16), 9797-9803.
Schmidt, S. N., Holmstrup, M., Damgaard, C., Sørensen, J. G., Slotsbo, S. & Mayer, P. (2014).
Physiological and molecular responses of springtails exposed to combined chemical and drought stress by passive dosing. Poster session præsenteret på SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Basel, Schweiz.
Holmstrup, M., Slotsbo, S., Schmidt, S. N., Mayer, P., Damgaard, C. & Sørensen, J. G. (2014).
Physiological and molecular responses of springtails exposed to phenanthrene and drought.
Environmental Pollution,
184, 370–376.
Fisker, K. V., Overgaard, J., Sørensen, J. G., Slotsbo, S. & Holmstrup, M. (2014).
Roles of carbohydrate reserves for local adaptation to low temperatures in the freeze tolerant oligochaete Enchytraeus albidus.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systems, and Environmental Physiology,
184(2), 167-177.
Naveed, M., Moldrup, P.
, Arthur, E., Holmstrup, M., Nicolaisen, M., Tuller, M., Herath, L., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., Vogel, H.-J.
& de Jonge, L. W. (2014).
Simultaneous loss of soil biodiversity and functions along a copper contamination gradient: When Soil Goes to Sleep.
Soil Science Society of America Journal,
78(4), 1239-1250.
Coulson, S., Convey, P., Aakra, K., Aarvik, L., Ávila-Jiménez, M. L., Babenko, A., Biersma, E. M., Boström, S., Brittain, J. E., Carlsson, A. M., Christoffersen, K., De Smet, W. H., Ekremj, T., Fjellberg, A., Füreder, L., Gustafsson, D., Gwiazdowicz, D. J., Hansen, L. O.
, Holmstrup, M. ... Zmudczynska-Skarbek, K. (2014).
The terrestrial and freshwater invertebrate biodiversity of the archipelagoes of the Barents Sea; Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
68, 440-470.
Smith, K. E. C., Schmidt, S. N., Dom, N., Blust, R.
, Holmstrup, M. & Mayer, P. (2013).
Baseline Toxic Mixtures of Non-Toxic Chemicals: “Solubility Addition” Increases Exposure for Solid Hydrophobic Chemicals.
Environmental Science & Technology,
47(4), 2026-2033.
Paradelo Pérez, M., Knadel, M., Møldrup, P.
, Holmstrup, M., López Periago, J. E.
& de Jonge, L. W. (2013).
Copper Distribution Profiles in Soils From a Long-Term Polluted Field. I
Water, Food, Energy & Innovation for a Sustainable World Artikel 292-10
Paradelo, M., Møldrup, P.
, Arthur, E., Naveed, M., Holmstrup, M., Lopez-Periago, J. E.
& de Jonge, L. W. (2013).
Effects of past copper contamination and soil structure on copper leaching from soil.
Journal of Environmental Quality,
42(6), 1852-1862.
Malmendal, A., Sørensen, J. G., Overgaard, J., Holmstrup, M., Nielsen, N. C. & Loeschcke, V. (2013).
Metabolomic analysis of the selection response of Drosophila melanogaster to environmental stress: are there links to gene expression and phenotypic traits? Naturwissenschaften,
100, 417–427.
Schmidt, S. N., Holmstrup, M., Smith, K. E. C. & Mayer, P. (2013).
Passive dosing of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mixtures to terrestrial springtails: Linking mixture toxicity to chemical activities, equilibrium lipid concentrations, and toxic units.
Environmental Science & Technology,
47, 7020-7027.
Paradelo Pérez, M., Naveed, M., Møldrup, P.
, Holmstrup, M., López-Periago, J.
& de Jonge, L. W. (2013).
Predicting Soil Physical Parameters and Copper Transport in a Polluted Field From X Ray CT-Images. I
Water, Food, Energy & Innovation for a Sustainable World Artikel 292-5 ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
Holmstrup, M., Sørensen, J. G., Schmidt, I. K., Nielsen, P. L., Mason, S., Tietema, A., Smith, A. R.
, Bataillon, T., Beier, C.
& Ehlers, B. K. (2013).
Soil microarthropods are only weakly impacted after 13 years of repeated drought treatment in wet and dry heathland soils.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
66, 110-118.
Naveed, M., Møldrup, P.
, Arthur, E., Holmstrup, M., Nicolaisen, M., Herath, L., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T.
, Tuller, M. & de Jonge, L. W. (2013).
When Soil Goes to Sleep: Simultaneous Changes in Biodiversity and Soil Ecosystem Functions Along an Anthropogenic Copper Gradient. I
Water, Food, Energy & Innovation for a Sustainable World Artikel 289-9
Slotsbo, S., Hansen, L. M., Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T.
, Malmendal, A., Nielsen, N. C. & Holmstrup, M. (2012).
Cold tolerance and freeze-induced glucose accumulation in three terrestrial slugs.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology,
161(4), 443-449.
Waagner, D., Bayley, M., Mariën, J.
, Holmstrup, M., Ellers, J. & Roelofs, D. (2012).
Ecological and molecular consequences of prolonged drought and subsequent rehydration in Folsomia candida (Collembola).
Journal of Insect Physiology,
58(1), 130-137.
Paradelo, M., Møldrup, P.
, Holmstrup, M., Arthur, E., E. López-Periago, J.
& de Jonge, L. W. (2012).
How historical copper contamination affects soil structure and mobilization and transport of colloids. Abstract fra ASA, CSSA, or SSSA international annual meeting, Cincinatti, USA.
Holmstrup, M., Sørensen, J. G., Maraldo, K., Schmidt, I., Tietema, A., Smith, A., Schmelz, R.
, Bataillon, T. & Ehlers, B. (2012).
Increased frequency of drought depletes species richness of enchytraeid communities in both wet and dry heathland soils.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
53, 43-49.
Holmstrup, M., Sørensen, J. G., Maraldo, K., Schmidt, I. K., Mason, S., Tietema, A., Smith, A. R., Emmett, B., Schmelz, R.
, Bataillon, T., Beier, C. & Ehlers, B. K. (2012).
Increased frequency of drought reduces species richness of enchytraeid communities in both wet and dry heathland soils.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
53, 43-49.
Arthur, E., Møldrup, P.
, Holmstrup, M., Schjønning, P., Winding, A., Mayer, P. & de Jonge, L. W. (2012).
Soil microbial and physical properties and their relations along a steep copper gradient.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,
159, 9-18.
Holmstrup, M., Lamandé, M., Torp, S. B., Labouriau, R., Greve, M. H. & Heckrath, G. (2011).
Associations between soil texture, soil water characteristics and earthworm populations of grassland.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,
61, 583-592.
Holmstrup, M., Sørensen, J. G., Overgaard, J., Bayley, M., Bindesbøl, A.-M. H., Slotsbo, S., Fisker, K. V., Maraldo, K., Waagner, D., Labouriau, R. & Asmund, G. (2011).
Body metal concentrations and glycogen reserves in earthworms (Dendrobaena octaedra) from contaminated and uncontaminated forest soil.
Environmental Pollution,
159(1), 190-197.