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Sapere Aude means 'dare to know', and the grant is awarded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark to talented early career researchers who are ready to lead a research project at the highest international level. Biologist Jakob Thyrring is one of the selected recipients of the grant, which he will…
På kalkrige overdrev rundt omkring i Danmark, sender landmændene deres dyr på græs efter Naturstyrelsens retningslinjer. Men nye tal fra Aarhus Universitet tyder på, at dyrene græsser for hårdt - og det går ud over biodiversiteten.
Local hunters in the Icefjord near Ilulissat have long known about a special ringed seal – the Kangia seal – which is significantly larger and has a markedly different fur colour and pattern than typical Arctic ringed seals. Now scientific studies have shown that the Kangia ringed seal has been…
Killer whales, which feed on seals and small whales, in Canada and Greenland have such high levels of the man-made chemical PCB that they have difficulty having young. This is shown by a new large study from the North Atlantic.
There is a great deal of disagreement about whether hives of honeybees drive away the wild bees. Researchers from Aarhus University have received EU funds to gain clarity in the area.
Researchers are to develop a new concept for the integrated environmental assessment of pollution sources in the sea
Every year, areas of wild seaweeds are disappearing from the world's oceans, even though we should be protecting them. Seaweeds are effective at binding CO2, and new research confirms that protection and cultivation can contribute to climate solutions.
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Nyt studie viser, at en ellers meget positiv udvikling i biodiversitet i en række europæiske landes vandløb er stoppet. Studiet er netop bragt i det ansete tidsskrift Nature.
New research from Aarhus University show the need for an international effort to limit global pollution by PFAS. The substance inhibits the immune system and can, thus, increase the risk of infections and cancer, and PFAS can reduce the effect of vaccination programmes against e.g. tetanus,…
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