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The small whales spend more than 60 percent of their day hunting small fish to stay warm in the cold waters. New research shows that harbor porpoises spend little energy on this hunting strategy, but that it makes them vulnerable to human disturbance.
The world's kelp forests contribute to global carbon storage. A new international study, published in Nature Geoscience, estimates the extent of the kelp forests' contribution. See the article here.
Both Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin published their groundbreaking discoveries in the prestigious journal Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B. The Danish researcher has therefore joined a distinguished club of scientists.
Especially those who eat polar bears, seals, and whales have elevated levels of toxins in their blood, new research shows.
In order to keep the population of harbour porpoises in Danish coastal waters stable, only 24 can perish in fishing nets each year. However, over 900 die each year.
The polar oceans, critical regulators of the global climate system, are among the ecosystems most impacted by climate change.
Areas with more copper and selenium in the ground lead to higher reproductive success in wild musk oxen in Greenland.
Målet med det nye EU-projekt er at ændre måden, vi vurderer risiko og påvirkning af pesticider på. I dag vurderer vi udelukkende enkelte pesticiders påvirkning af honningbier, men projektet vil udvikle nye værktøjer til at vurdere flere pesticiders påvirkning af hele bestande af vilde bier,…
Ecological theory and experience tells us that plants on meadows and pastures across Denmark should be dispersing heavier seeds. But they are doing the exact opposite.
Sapere Aude means 'dare to know', and the grant is awarded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark to talented early career researchers who are ready to lead a research project at the highest international level. Biologist Jakob Thyrring is one of the selected recipients of the grant, which he will…
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