Krogh, P. H., Russell, D. J., Mylona, P., Viñuales, L. M., Schlaghamerský, J., Tsiafouli, M., Hedde, M., Navas-Delgado, I., Suhadolc, M., Debeljak, M., Marjanović, Ž., Hackenberger, D., Cortet, J., Potapov, A., Tunguz, V., Jänsch, S., Zaytsev, A. S., Schmalenberger, A. & Lesch, S. (2023).
Soil Biodiversity Data Warehouse Supporting Soil Health Assessment. Poster session presented at The 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference GSB2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Schillaci, C., Popescu Boaja, I., Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, E., Miglio, E., Sala, S., van Egmond, F., Fantappiè, M., Pereira, B., Flichev, L., Di Lonardo, S.
, Krogh, P. H., Hrabalikova, M., Nadal-Romero, E., Ladenberger, A. & van Liedekerke, M. (2023).
Soil data sharing in EU, a survey of available soil datasets found in the scientific literature. Poster session presented at European Geosciences Union EGU2023, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria.