Aarhus University Seal

Jamie Alison


Tenure Track Researcher, Dr

Primary affiliation

Jamie Alison

Areas of expertise

  • insects
  • computer vision
  • monitoring
  • pollination
  • deep learning

Contact information

Email address


My research is centred on the impacts of land use on wildlife, and especially insects. 

To better understand trends in insect biodiversity, I design and deploy "insect surveillance cameras" to monitor minifauna in the wild at extreme spatial and temporal resolutions.

I have expertise in computer vision and AI-assisted extraction of data from wildlife imagery and vessel-borne radar, as well as open-source Geographic Information Systems.

Teaching activities

I am always on the lookout for collaborators, especially students (ERASMUS, BSc, MSc, PhD or volunteers), to co-develop projects using sensors to understand the little things that run the world. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email.

I am currently co-organising an Aarhus Comprehensive Computational Entomology Summer School (ACCESS-2024) with Dr Quentin Geissmann.

You can read more about the summer school and apply here: https://darsa.info/ACCESS-2024/

Selected publications

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Selected projects

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