Wright, A. J., Dolman, S. J., Jasny, M., Parsons, E. C. M.
, Schiedek, D. & Young, S. B. (2011).
Myth and momentum: An assessment of environmental impact assessments. Poster session presented at Science for the Environment, Aarhus, Denmark.
Wright, A. J., Moser, K., Renvald, L., Akamatsu, T.
, Dietz, R. & Teilmann, J. (2012).
A fully detachable tag attachment system specifically designed for fastloc GPS deployments in small cetaceans. Abstract from 26th European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland.
Wright, A. J., Akamatsu, T.
, Mouritsen, K. N., Sveegaard, S., Dietz, R. & Teilmann, J. (2013).
Sleeping behaviour in wild harbour porpoise. Poster session presented at International Conference on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life , Budapest, Hungary.